Uh it's a little chilly outside! You know you don't want to be out there messing with that lawn. Give us a holler and let us get you holiday ready!
Uh it's a little chilly outside! You know you don't want to be out there messing with that lawn. Give us a holler and let us get you holiday ready!
Looking back on yesterday, I believe they slightly underestimated how bad it was going to be for our area. Please keep all of those in the Houston area and surrounding areas in your thoughts. These poor people have gone through hell and back.
Us here at Dirty Deeds are thinking about ya'll and hope the power is restored fast.
I want to thank EVERYONE who has ever supported us! Weather it was through sharing our stuff when we first started, giving us business or referring us to others. YOU helped get us off the ground where we are today! It's been one wild ride the last 8 years, but wouldn't change it any other way 🙂.
Thank you. ALL of you