Being a startup business with zero initial capital AND keeping it debt free has been an interesting ride.
No loans. No brand new equipment to make a note on. That part is great. Because of zero initial capital to invest, you get creative on what you do. You can't hire an advertising company and outsource the foot and paper work involved.Ma and I have done TONS of research on DIY everything. From cheapest business cards and door hangars ( I highly recommend VistaPrint ) to fixing equipment when something goes wrong ( youtube becomes your best friend ) . Google becomes your resource for tax, license and insurance information. Had no clue how hard it was to go from mowing a few yards for cash on the side for people to a registered business. But it is happening. Filing all the paperwork makes you realize - this is real. This is MY business.The American dream is real and tangible still in 2017. You just got to want it more than the next guy. Since we don't have an advertisement budget yet, we will be doing it ourselves. Late February and early March Ma and I will be going door to door OURSELVES knocking, handing out and leaving door flyers. When you work for yourself you wear many hats. Laborer, HR, marketing, mechanic, public relations.But it will be worth ALL the headache in the end. To be able to hand the keys off to my two daughter's and thier future spouse's. A true legacy to leave behind - a family business built 100% brick by brick.
Sorry folks. Just thinking out loud and dreaming BIG on this cold January morning.